Next-Level Achievement: Small Triggers for Big Changes

Next-Level Achievement: Small Triggers for Big Changes

Have you ever seen an avalanche? They’re more safely observed in a video than in person, but they’re awe-inspiring either way. Avalanches are caused by four factors: a steep slope, snow cover, a weak layer in the snow cover, and a trigger. That trigger may be something like a bounding deer or a skier, but even a tiny change, like a dislodged rock falling in just the right circumstances, can set one off.

Just like the trigger in an avalanche, lots of change can come from tiny adjustments or triggers. A ship with a slight course error can end up quite far from its destination. You don’t see your teeth move when you have braces (though you feel the discomfort every time adjustments are made) but the end result is obvious. Lance Armstrong was known as Mr. Millimeter because it was the small adjustments on his bike that impacted his efficiency over the 21 stages and 2200 miles of the Tour de France. This principle is also true in your life, and figuring out which small adjustments will yield the most promising positive results can be awe-inspiring as well.

If you stand teetering at the edge of greatness, wondering what keeps you from sailing past your current accomplishments, it's very likely that the strategies that got you there will not take you any further. You need a trigger, a course correction, or sometimes a very strategic overhaul. At these high levels, reaching the next level is about your willingness to change and innovate, even if it means taking a different approach.  

Here are some areas of focus that can make that extra 5% difference.

Harnessing Autonomy and Entrepreneurial Spirit

Entrepreneurs and other high achievers thrive on autonomy and the ability to steer their own ships. They are inspired by facing and overcoming challenges, dealing with setbacks, and experimenting with new strategies. Their peak performance comes when they have ample room to innovate and guide in what seems the best direction. 

As an entrepreneur, have you created systems that leave you feeling prisoner to your business? Have you made any decisions or incorporated any practices that have limited or inhibited your choices? Are there any practices within your operation that you don’t fully trust? Dive in and explore. You might find an area where you could make some adjustments. Remember, small adjustments can have significant results. 

Strategizing Insightful Change

To reach next-level success, it’s important to figure out how you’ve been successful so far. Looking back at what’s enabled your growth helps you realize what has been working best and what might need to be adjusted. What has gotten the best response in the past? What was it about that strategy that you felt worked? What decisions have you made that you wish you hadn’t? Is there something you’re doing right now that you’ve never been excited about? What are other successful people in your field doing, and how can you do it better? 

Without this analytical approach, you risk stagnation and frustration, wondering why you are not getting to that next level.  You want to be sure that any changes you’re making will benefit both your business and your clients. Analyzing past success helps you decide what to implement, eliminate, or improve upon. 


Enhancing Personal Performance

High performers are uniquely motivated by assessment and actively seek evaluation from knowledgeable sources that will enable them to continue improving. Do you have a trusted mentor or coach? Elite athletes, CEOs, and even champion racehorses need support and direction to encourage and funnel their drive into high performance. A good coach will also cultivate resilience, emotional intelligence, and an agile mindset as they help encourage your personal development. 

It’s sometimes hard to remember that the quest for excellence is a marathon, not a sprint. A good mentor or coach delivers not only guidance, but also necessary feedback that promotes growth without overextension or burnout.  A coach or mentor will help you find those triggers that can start your own personal avalanche of next-level success, but can also make sure you don’t get caught in your own landslide when your drive and optimism outpace your resources.


Growth and Adaptation

Keep current, boss! We live in a time of rapid change, information overload, and high expectations. Market dynamics, clients’ tastes, and preferences are ever-evolving, and in this world, to remain relevant and competitive, staying current is essential.  

Last week we talked about growth vs. decay and about the difference between the effort it takes to get from 4o to 50% of your potential vs. getting from 90 to 95%. Making changes to start doing “better than average” is fairly easy, but leveling up when you’re already crushing it takes more focused planning and execution. You’ve got to be open to learning new things and applying new strategies. 

This doesn’t mean that you have to have a newsfeed going all day; that would be counterproductive. Instead, involvement with professional communities helps the busy professional to look, learn, and share with like-minded people.  This approach can provide a set of fresh eyes so you can remain ahead in your industry. Participating in professional groups and masterminds is a good way of staying current, and like-minded people and building relationships are added benefits. 

What parts of your instinctive entrepreneur can you harness to think outside the box? Are you ready to put in the work to do some in-depth analysis of your past success and figure out what’s next for you? Do you have any professional groups in mind that might be a great sounding board and some great connections? Are you interested in a coach who will know just how to push you? There is success in your future that’s just waiting for the little course correction or trigger to make it happen. Are you ready? 

Let’s talk about you and your future.


Leveling Up: Questions for Future Success


Growth or Decay?